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Feb 4, 2015

Headline of the Day

Aliza Lavie and Lihi Lapid will conduct a 'hafrashat challah' ceremony

  -- Kikar

I love election season. it brings out the funniest in our politicians. They come with with the craziest advertisements, and then the stunts are "to die for".

MK Aliza Lavie, the religious one in the pair, and Yair Lapid's wife, Lihi, are helping the party dig for religious voters and for traditional voters, and to that end will have a hafrashat challa ceremony on Thursday in Netanya.

Lavie explained that it won't just be for religious women, but this is a custom that has gotten into Israeli society and is not specifically for the religious.

Perhaps Lapid got to his position just for this very moment, sort of like Queen Esther, - to help some women in Netanya perform a mitzva that maybe they normally do not do!

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