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Feb 3, 2015

PSA:International Space Station Flyover Tonight - 18:36 (6:36pm)

someone posted the following to one of our local email lists:
A bunch of families had the zechut to see the ISS fly over Bet Shemesh thelast two nights. There will be another fly over tonight and every night forthe rest of this week including motz"ash. The flyover tonight will begin around 6:36pm appearing in South West sky atapproximately 11 degrees (90 degrees is straight up) and will fly over BeitShemesh and disappear somewhere in the North East. The ISS should bevisible for at least 3 minutes tonight and will resemble a bright star. Tomorrow night there will actually be two flyovers. With the first andlongest one (5min) starting at 5:44pm and the second and much shorter one(~1min) starting at 7:22pm. Schedule for the rest of the week is as follows:Thursday: 6:30pmFriday: 5:37pmMotzash: 6:21pm
The details from NASA can be found on their website, though they are basically gibberish to me...

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