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Sep 1, 2010

Early morning drama

I was out running early this morning, and saw a a couple of firetrucks driving through the neighborhood with their lights flashing.

They were going in one direction and then turned around and went the other way. Not a good sign - perhaps they are not familiar with the streets of the neighborhood..

Anyway, as I was running, I caught up to them at the beginning of Nahal Kishon. They were parked there along with a couple of ambulances.

Firefighters were climbing up to the roof of one of the cottages at the lower part of Kishon and jumping over the roof fence to the building.. Paramedics were there waiting.

I kept running and didnt stay to see the end of what was going on. Sorry, but I didnt know how long it would take. I didnt smell any fire, so I thought maybe it was a gas leak and people were trapped inside. After stopping for a couple of minutes to see, I decided to continue on my way.

Sure enough, here is the story. It seems a guy, a hassidic fellow, has a restraining order against him to stay away from his family who live there.

He came to the house and attacked his wife when she opened the door, throwing bleach at her. Then he ran inside, locking the doors, and lit the house on fire.

She got out with light injuries, and by the time they got him out he was in critical condition for smoke inhalation.

Such drama at 6:15 AM!


  1. Not really the main point here, but why would a woman who has a restraining order against her husband simply open the door at 6:15 am without asking who it was first? Was she expecting someone else at that hour? Hope she's ok.

  2. maybe he had a key and let himself in? maybe one of the kids opened it for him? maybe she opened it a crack to tell him to get lost and he pushed his way in?

    by the way, I was just told that this guy was an employee on the mehadrin bus lines.. seems fitting..

  3. Maybe she thought it was one of the rabbonim returning from an early morning protest

  4. What's with the bleach? Here in the good old US of A there are plenty of domestic disputes, yet I've never heard of anyone throwing bleach on anyone else, ever.


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