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Feb 3, 2011

Cong. Ackerman Condemns J Street. Will Others?

A Guest Post by Dr. Harold Goldmeier

The following letter was sent to Cong. Jan Schakowsky today, a strong advocate of J Street as a alternative to AIPAC. J Street is supporting a resolution at the U.N. and urging Congress and President Obama to not veto a resolution condemning Israel's settlement policies among other things. Cong. Ackerman sent a public letter condemning J Street and withdrawing from any further collusion and cooperation with the organization. All American supporters of Israel should urge their representatives to follow his lead.

Dear Congresswoman: I have been a loyal voter for you since your first campaign when I met you shaking hands in an Evanston Park and taking a minute to let me know we share the same core beliefs of govt. I must now ask you to follow Cong. Ackerman's lead and resign all moral support of and allegiance with J Street. (Read Jennifer Rubin's excellent piece in The Wash. Post, Jan. 31, 2011).

How timely that the U.S. is holding clandestant meetings with reps of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, while J Street is selling out Israel at the U.N. in league with the cabal that wants Israel's destruction. Now, even I am afraid of Obama and his "stalwart" support of Israel if he believes the Muslim Brotherhood really has best of intentions in peaceful co-existence as a member of a unity Egyptian govt. I hope J Street, you, your colleagues, and Public Radio broadcasters actual read/listen to what their leaders say about Christians and Jews and Israel.

J Street has lost all redeeming value one may thought it to have, and is a sell out of Israel at a time when we need to stand for Israel. J Street has joined with enemies of Israel in its move from sharing goals with them to condemnation for its guilt by collaboration with people who deligitimize her and condemn Israel's right to exist..

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