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Feb 1, 2011

Rav Cherlow on Revolutions

(source: Srugim: my translation, after lightly editing the ridiculous results of Google Translate)

The prophets of Israel relate at length the collapse of the rule of various kinds, many prophecies deal with the future kingdoms of evil. Even when very strong empires rose to power, Israel's prophets foretold that the end of all power is collapse, if it loses the foundation that justifies its existence. Human pride and evil regime are exposed as a shaky foundation, and can collapse quickly. This is part of the general inquiry about human power exist in the world, and the recognition that even if a similar kingdom is eternal - the speed of the collapse may be quickly. Not only that, but one of the ingredients (though not the only one) of the riots in Arab capitals is the aspiration of freedom and basic human soul, and charged that limit where people enslave others. This message is also regularly words of the Prophets.

It is difficult to evaluate whether the riots in the Arab world good or bad. On the one hand, they have a series of liberation from tyranny, and the countries we see them moderate, both countries towards the citizens and evil bondage. On the other hand, it is not clear that the collapse of a current government will lead to better rule. On the contrary, it is possible that it will lead to anarchy and terrible bloodshed, accompanied by many revolutions, where in the name of the aspiration to freedom they become murderous enslaves; radical Islamic movements can take advantage of the opportunity, on behalf of God behave like the devil; new regime restoration can be a tyrant no less than the last. Therefore, it seems that it would be wrong to wait a while to decipher the meaning of events; and it is possible that for some time the world will move on as usual.

However, the words of prophecy remain eternal. We need to assimilate within us the recognition that all factual assumption on which we base our behavior - is shaky to begin with. Especially when it comes to the rule and the kingdoms, especially when it comes to enslavement and preventing freedom. All political assessments are assessments on probation; all alliances are conditional; all that is dependent on humans - can change. This requires us to care more when we plan our future. And more importantly - it shows that we need to also to go back to other existing strengths. These strengths are the strengths of morality, justice strengths, strengths and grace. These too are not guaranteed, and sometimes in our world also the righteous is defeated  (the first war in history, Kane defeated Abel). However, decentralization of various strengths, and things about which we base our lives is one of the most important lessons shocking world order systems.

So if we add it all up: recognition of the importance of government along with the claim to freedom; recognition of the royal forces together in tandem with moral forces, the moral and just; dealing with the real world with the realization that everything could change one threat of the sword - we will see that we will deal that much better with the challenges we face, and we will be able to listen more attentively to the prophets that  teach us about the great importance of the additional powers over the State's power. We will see that we are already able to come to this conclusion more strongly because of the earthquake that is occurring around us

I wonder if he includes Rav Nir Ben Artzi in his list of prophets.. Just joking, but it is clear that the tumultuous events around us are something we need to be concerned about and take lesson from.


  1. Who is Rav Cherlow? Who is he affiliated with?
    Why the pose without sefarim in background or in hand?

  2. Rav Cherlo is only the most awesome Rav ever. He is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hesder Petach Tikva. He is renown in Israel and even in parts of the United States. Rav Cherlo is on several commitees in the Knesset as an ethicist. He is also a member of Tzohar. If you have any more questions about him feel free to ask.


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