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May 7, 2013

Interesting Posts #486

1. Shtreimels - from the Poles or the Mongols?

2. who does Rabbi Dov Lipman speak for?

3. idea of a post poseq

4. Bayit Yehudi: Religious Moderation or Extremism?

5. Ner Israel repudiates Rabbi Dov Lipman and here is the original letter, and who represents Ner Israel - what I find ironic is that Ner Yisrael is one of the premier yeshivas in America in which one can study, both at the age of high school and during the years of yeshiva gedola, both at a high level of kodesh, even with a semicha program, and at the same time secular studies to obtain a college degree in conjunction with some of the best universities of America. Yet they say that his statements [about the ability to learn math and English while learning gemara] do not represent the educational style of Ner Yisrael. I do wonder if Ner Yisrael was pressed to issue such a statement - do not think it unreasonable as the rosh yeshiva has a son in law in RBS who is powerful and involved in UTJ and a strong opponent of Lipmans....

6. Rav Lior is slightly ridiculous

7. the world revolves around me

8. filming for a tv show - cool

9. raging against the machine

10. how the Six Day War was really won

11. High Hopes for peace smashed

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  1. Thank you for the link to my blog! Appreciate the site traffic :)

  2. The tzadik Rav Mendel Geffner, did not leave Meah Shearim for the duration of the Six Day War. Hussein wrote in his book, that when he was asked why he lost the war despite his well-trained Jordanian Legion, he stated “What could I do against the Tehillim of Rav Mendel Geffner.” It seems this Ishmaelite understood the power of tfilla (prayer) - the power a Jewish mouth can generate.

    why do i find this statement questionable?


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