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Mar 6, 2014

IDF Intercepts Iranian Shipment of Rockets to Terrorist Organizations in Gaza (video)

in what was obviously a complex operation, the IDF intercepted a shipment of long range missiles from Iran to Gaza.. its a modern-day Purim miracle!

And to quote my friend, educator Rabbi Avi Lipman:
If we were not so busy fighting each other, I think we could see and believe that we just witnessed a true Purim style miracle in our own day! Think about it: Last week, the gedolim sensed that there was a tremendous need to gather the Jews to pray to Hash-m for mercy. The Jews gather and pour their hearts out to their creator in heaven. The zchus of this tefillah gathers strength and the IDF, carrying the hearts and prayers of their brothers crying to G-d in the streets, are successful in intercepting missiles which would have put the entire country of Israel in danger! Baruch she-assa nissim! We should be dancing in the street and writing a new megillah about this! Please take a moment and thank Hash-m for this modern day miracle!

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  1. unfortunately, it could be fakert - Hashem sees hundreds and thousands of Jews crying about the terrible army, the first Jewish army we've had since Bar Kochba, a precious gift from above, and He, in His infinite mercy, decides to show us just how remarkable a gift this is.

  2. According to the Charedim "anu ameilim v'hem ameilim", the soldiers are wasting their time.

  3. I cannot agree with this take on events. The purpose of the rally was, essentially, to pray for the death of other Jews. I cannot believe that such prayers had any positive effect.

  4. I vaguely remember the last time they caught a ship with tons of explosives, there was also some significant prayer event not too much earlier. Does anyone remember what I am talking about?

  5. Rabbi Avi Lipman is totally off the mark. The people at the rally were not praying for the success of the IDF. They were praying that it should fail at getting more recruits.


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