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Jul 6, 2020

chasing the bus passengers away

According to the various news media outlets, the new regulations decided upon by the government and Ministry of Health include a perplexing one. There can be a maximum of 20 passengers on a bus (though Minister of Transportation has the authority to override that and choose a different number for the limit, pending the approval of the Minister of Health), and the windows must be kept open and the air conditioning off.

A bit perplexing. I get the limiting of the number of passengers. But the windows open and air conditioning off? In this heat? Most of the new buses do not even have windows that can be opened. I get that they want windows open for ventilation, but at least let the air conditioning also be turned on. Will any bus driver want to spend hours in his bus driving around in the heat with no air conditioner (and with a mask)???

This one is strange. The bus will be unbearable. Maybe the entire purpose is to make it so unbearable that passengers won't want to use it

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1 comment:

  1. My wife and I are seniors with some conditions. Took the 15 bus home from BIG. Everywhere social distancing. Lines outside stores to enter. Bus driver made every stop. Packed in passengers like sardines. Baby strollers, kids, teens, young and old. A petree dish of C19. Superbus is disgusting. Washed down with disinfectant and long hot shower.


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