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Jul 7, 2010


This is what they were going to "dig up the grave of Herzl" with. A trowel and some buckets.

They went simply to shock the public, with no intention to actually dig. According to the video, it looks like they only stood outside of Mt. Herzl and chanted, and didn't even go in and do it graveside...


  1. it sends the wrong message. but a group that has excused itself from participation in broader israeli society can only be expected to send the wrong messages to it.

  2. Kiddush Hashem, no question. Showing the hypocrisy and bias of Israeli society is not a chillul Hashem, and nor is an empty threat. They were never going to dig the graves up.

  3. while the knee jerk negatuve reaction to anything these guys do is understandable, ya.. still... got...to.. judge each case in a vaccuum. try, i know it is hard. these are not my favorite Israelis either.

    but imagine if your parents graves was being descrated because it was "only" in a "field" or since there was "good reason" to do it as per the inanities being thrown out by some blinded by hate talkbackistim in the previous post mortem.

  4. look at your own words - it's these guys who have a knee-jerk reaction to any relocation of any graves - they don't judge any relocation question in a vacuum.

    suddenly they get the bright idea to demonstrate that lack of ability to distinguish between cases by making a public statement that relocating archaeological bones for public need is equivalent to actively digging up soldiers graves for no reason.

    yeah, I'll think about that some more.

  5. Actually, Rafi, it's worse than that - take a good look at that "trowel". It's a cake server.


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