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Jan 5, 2011

Is The City Of Jerusalem Promoting Change In Ramot?

After the Mayor of Jeusalem and City Hall decided to move the Rapaport school to Ramot, against the wishes of the local residents, they are now making another similar decision.

The City of Jerusalem voted to build two football fields in Ramot - American Football fields, for the Israel Football League and the Jerusalem Lions.

NRG is reporting that the iryah voted in favor of constructing the two fields in Ramot. the local neighborhood residents oppose the decision, and have gotten 500 signatures on a petition against it. 500 signatures in a supposedly Haredi neighborhood doesn't seem like a significant number - it even seems like a very low number, considering the article says the rabbonim encouraged people to sign the petition.

Anyway, the locals oppose it saying this decision was not coordinated with the local community administration, and the UTJ faction in City Hall opposes the construction of any city sponsored sports facility and definitely any international level sports facility in Ramot.

Is this a directed effort targeting Ramot with an effort to change the style f the neighborhood? The City says no, but they support building sports facilities that many local residents can benefit from with various sports activities, and most of those who watch the football games are Anglo olim, with Ramot having a high number of Anglo olim, this is a sport they should enjoy.


  1. The proposed site is on Rehov Zarchi, on the border between Ramot Bet and Ramot Gimel. It's over the hill from Ramot Dalet where the concentration of chareidim are. Ramot Gimel resident's are a majority frum, while Ramot Bet is a majority secular.

    That's probably why there aren't many more signatures. I never heard about this in Ramot Dalet.

    Last night on Radio Kol B'Ramah they interviewed a local resident and the representative of the city's sport department. The local resident wanted to portray the issue as a problem of noise and disturbance to the neighbors, and not a religious issue.

    They said that today they're going to meet with Rav Asher Weis, who has a kehillah in that area.

  2. B"H

    Since one of the JM teams has a Christian minister playing for them, and (don't) some of the games for this league take place at the Baptist Village(?).

    Get rid of the entire league.

    Teach your kids to enjoy soccer instead.

    The less American galus influence in the country the better!

  3. I agree... there's too much American golus influence here. We need more European golus, and possibly some native Israeli golus, influence!

  4. More green space in rbsA!January 06, 2011 10:37 PM

    How about *our* mayor building a nice flat football field (Israeli or American style, all you need is a nice flat piece of grass). Gan Ayalon is too hilly, and anyway we need green space on both sides of the hill. Oh, I forgot, we need every square inch for another 20,000 Chareidi apartments...


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