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Jan 11, 2011

Mordechai and Esther were murderers!

This news item should not really be amusing. It should be troubling.
However, I could not help being amused by it.

The Iranians are claiming that Israel is doing construction, or
excavations, under Al Aqsa, and causing damage to the holy site.

To retaliate, they have decided to remove the status of a holy site
from the graves of Mordechai and Esther. Without that status, the site
will not be protected by the government, and will be prone to vandals,
looters, anti semites, etc.

Crazy Ahmeds explanation for this act of retaliation was that they
were murderers, responsible for the genocide of over 77000 Persians in
one day. If Israel doesnt protect Al Aqsa. They feel no obligation to
protect those murderers.

I wonder if he got that from the megilla or if it is recorded for
posterity in the Iranian history books...

Sent from my mobile device

Kol tuv,




  1. The chances are it is as fake as all the kivrei tzadikim here in Israel... and I always thought that Kever Mordechai VeEsther was in the Northern Galil (picture here).

  2. not new phone. just tried a new way of posting

  3. Rafi - I never heard they were buried in eretz yisrael. how did they get here?

  4. So I had a Persian student (she was Bahai so she emphatically did not want to be labelled Iranian) a year ago and we talked about the Purim story. It was fascinating because the Persians apparently take Esther and Mordechai as historical figures just like we do, only they place them a bit earlier by saying that Esther was actually Koresh's wife, not Achashverosh.
    But here's where Ahmewhosiwhatsiz' argument falls apart. If he's quoting the megilla he's accepting the Bible as authentic. The Bible established our exclusive claim to Israel. So which is it?

  5. Remins me of the Egyptians who wants to take Israel to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, claiming that the Israelites robbed jewellery from them when they left Egypt. Of course their argument immediately fell flat, because the Egyptians never paid the Israelite slaves for their work, but here again, it meant that they accepted the Biblical story. But the whole world is two faced. The Christian Bible talks about a Jew who was born to a family in Beit Lechem in the "occupied West Bank". The Palestinians have conveniently defined JC as one of theirs, because if he was a Jew, it means Jews lived there, and that they claim is a "distortion of history".

  6. Rafi, please remove the offensive title.


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