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Feb 9, 2023

thank you for saving us

I am not sure what to call this or how to describe it. Maybe it is trolling, but not sure who they are trolling, other than perhaps the nation.

Shas released a statement, in light of PM Netanyahu's statement about the Kotel tzniyus law not being advanced, along with the official killing of the bill - they said, "we bless PM Netanyahu for his message that the status quo at the Kotel will be kept. We were pushed to propose this law due to the Supreme Court not allowing further delays in the debate of the subject. There was never any intention to place criminal sanctions on clothing or musical instruments at the Kotel. This was cheap demagoguery."

So they were "forced" to propose a law that they didnt want to propose, and they wrote it in a way that said there would be criminal repercussions, but they didnt mean it and everyone should have known that, and the public that went crazy over it was just cheap demagoguery. It's their fault, not ours! And thank you Mr Netanyahu for confirming that the law we proposed is worthless and bad and things will simply stay the same instead of being changed the way we requested.

I guess they are thanking Netanyahu for saving them from themselves.

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  1. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)

  2. Stupidity at its best. Please government ...behave yourself, have Jewish pride and fear of heaven.


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