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Jul 15, 2011
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz Saved the Economy By Davening At The Kever RASHBI
At a forum of the Likud in Netanya, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, a philosopher by training, described how Israel came out of the global economic meltdown so well, obviously giving a lot of credit to himself. The description of what he said is actually very interesting, and you can see the article in Ynet...

The one point from the article I wish to point out is when Steinitz describes how he went to daven by kivrei tzadikim to obtain the wisdom to confront and deal with the economic crisis. Steinitz said "Itzik Cohen said it was a miracle. I had gone with my brother in law to the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and I davened that he should give me wisdom and strength to prevent massive unemployment. Cohen told me after that that it was in the merit that I davened at the grave that the economy was saved. I said to him: If you say so, then fine, I am willing to accept that as well."
Yuval Steinitz is a man of spirit, he is a philosopher. He is not a religious man. I find it interesting how he describes that experience, of having gone to the grave to daven for the wisdom to deal with the economic crisis.
One point is that it sounds like avoda zara, as he describes having asked RASHBI to grant him the wisdom and strength. I would just say he is probably ignorant how the whole "davening by kivrei tzadikim" works and doesn't realize he is only calling upon the merit of the holy man, and not davening to him.
You really should read the whole article, as he describes how they made certain decisions that proved to be successful in avoiding a disaster here...

The one point from the article I wish to point out is when Steinitz describes how he went to daven by kivrei tzadikim to obtain the wisdom to confront and deal with the economic crisis. Steinitz said "Itzik Cohen said it was a miracle. I had gone with my brother in law to the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and I davened that he should give me wisdom and strength to prevent massive unemployment. Cohen told me after that that it was in the merit that I davened at the grave that the economy was saved. I said to him: If you say so, then fine, I am willing to accept that as well."
Yuval Steinitz is a man of spirit, he is a philosopher. He is not a religious man. I find it interesting how he describes that experience, of having gone to the grave to daven for the wisdom to deal with the economic crisis.
One point is that it sounds like avoda zara, as he describes having asked RASHBI to grant him the wisdom and strength. I would just say he is probably ignorant how the whole "davening by kivrei tzadikim" works and doesn't realize he is only calling upon the merit of the holy man, and not davening to him.
You really should read the whole article, as he describes how they made certain decisions that proved to be successful in avoiding a disaster here...
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