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Jun 11, 2020

the rare Shabbos compromise in Jerusalem before the fight (video)

The Jerusalem Municipality has built a road that runs between the mostly secular Ramat Sharet neighbourhood and the mostly Haredi neighbourhood Beit Vagan. The ultra-Orthodox wanted the road closed on Shabbat, and with secular residents led by Yossi Havilio in the municipality wanting it open. Ultimately, they came up with the compromise, which was to put up this sign:
“Dear Drivers,
At the request of the residents, those who are driving are asked to think about the sensitivities of those who observe tradition in the neighborhood and to refrain from travelling on the road on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
Thank you for your consideration and drive safely.”
What is rare and unprecedented, according to Avishai ben Chaim, is that the two sides spoke and came to a compromise before the fight even happened.

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1 comment:

  1. So the Mashiach has come and slipped in quietly? Wow...


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