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Oct 4, 2021

what should a religious Prime Minister do on Shabbos? (video)

I don't know the answers, but it is about time for us to have this discussion and figure it all out...

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  1. What's the question? A religious PM should do what every Jew should do. Keep Shabbos. If there is a pikuach nefesh situation, then you may violate Shabbos. Try to keep chillul shabbos to a minimum. Preferably violate a derabbanan over a deoraysah.

    1. Sounds easy in theory, but if not a posek, too many gray issues to decide on your own.
      Ideally would need a legit posek on staff, to be on the ready.

    2. even that - doesnt it say that someone in a possible pikuach nefesh situation who stops to ask rather than acting immediately is a murderer?


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