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Jul 1, 2011

Pashkevils Against BS Mayor Abutbol

New pashkevils have been placed around the city of Bet Shemesh against the mayor, Moshe Abutbol. The pashkevil is signed anonymously by "Haredi Residents of Bet Shemesh", and calls out Abutbol for "stealing land" from Mateh Yehuda.

This has to do with the 3000 dunam of industrial land that Bet Shemesh requested be transferred to its authority from mateh Yehuda. The request has been on the table, and has been researched, for years, and was recently approved.

There seems to be a lot of history to this fight, and it is more complicated than just saying Bet Shemesh is taking Mateh yehuda land, or saying Bet Shemesh deserves it because of lands that Mateh yehuda took a long time ago and a professional committee, from before the days of Eli Yishai, was already saying that that this land should be transferred to Bet Shemesh. Personally I am refraining from stating any opinion, and think the professionals should work it out. I'd be happy for Bet Shemesh to get the land, and the added income would be a big boost to city coffers, but I have no idea who really "deserves" it. They will have to fight it out in court now that mateh Yehuda is protesting the government approval.

The pashkevil against Abutbol:


  1. This poster doesn't have the looks of a typical charedi pashkvil. the reference to the mayor as Haraha"g is a clear giveaway.
    I can see why someone will want to portray this attack on the municipality as coming from within...

  2. why in the world would they oppose the annexation? more land for housing, schools, whatever.

  3. the land under dispute is only for industrial zoning, so it doesnt help housing. though you are right - it would bring money into the city, create more services offered to an increased population, etc.

    the only reason someone from Bet Shemesh might oppose it is for moral reasons if they think bet Shemesh does not deserve it. they are saying they dont want to benefit from stolen lands.

  4. moral reasons? can i be cynical and say something like "oh yeah right".

  5. After reading the 'pashkvil' a second time, I realize that HaCharedim is a pun, and may well mean 'concerned BS residents' - pun probably well intended.


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