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Feb 10, 2008

translation technology

Isn't technology great?
I have this program that translates, when you need it to, from Hebrew to English, from English to Hebrew, and other languages.

I don't use it too often, but occasionally I need to look for a better word or find a word I am not familiar with. Today I used it to look up a Hebrew word. It translated the word into English, but it also offered me a translation of the whole paragraph. I was curious to see how it would translate it so I clicke don it...

You be the judge...

here is the original paragraph in Hebrew, "בימים אלה אנחנו בעיצומם של מפקד לתנועת קדימה
התפקדות לתנועה מאפשרת להיות חבר מן המניין ב"קדימה", לבחור ולהיבחר מטעם התנועה, לפעול במסגרת מוסדותיה ולהשתתף בפעילות הענפה המאורגנת על ידה ברחבי הארץ."

and here is the translation in English, "On these days we are in the intensification of commander to the movement of ahead enumeration to the movement enables be friend from the quorum in ahead ", to choose Olhibhr on behalf of the movement, to work in the frame of her institutionss and to participate in the activity of the her organized branch by her throughout Haaretz."

Even if you have no idea what the original paragraph means, because you do not know enough Hebrew, you can't read Hebrew or whatever, just read the English. It is good for a chuckle.

I do not think I am going to be relying on translation software for more than the occasional word...

Isn't technology great?

1 comment:

  1. You probably have to "teach" it for it be efficient.
    We will have to worry later on but for now humans still can't be replaced.


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