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Dec 5, 2022

When Saturday Night Live skits become real life

One of the all-time great skits, a fake commercial really, of Saturday Night Live was the old car commercial in which they showed how smooth of a ride it is by conducting a bris ceremony in the back seat of the car, during a ride.

Well, according to Behadrei, Rav Shlomo Mahfoud, a dayan, a posek, a rav, a shochet and also a mohel, recently found himself in the back of a car performing a circumcision.

Rav Mahfoud's car was stuck in traffic on the way to the bris, but it turns out the cars of the family members were also stuck in the same major traffic jam.

The father of the baby was in one car and was stopped by the police as he was rushing around traffic to try to make it to the bris before sunset. Just ten minutes left until sunset and Rav Mahfoud calls the family asking where they are, explaining he is stuck in traffic but wants to get the bris in before sunset so it wont be delayed unnecessarily until the next day.

The mother described herself as stuck in traffic near the turnoff to Ben Gurion airport. It seems Rav Mahfoud's car was stuck somewhere int he same area and he diverted to find the mother's car with the baby. Two minutes before sunset Rav Mahfoud performed the bris on the baby in the back of the car, with no father present,. The car became the hall, the car seat became the chair of Eliyahu, and the driver of the car was the sandak. A bottle of water present in the car was used in place of the wine.

Mazel tov!

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