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Jun 30, 2008

Short stay on Death Row for Billiam the Turkey

A friend of mine calls me up the other day and says that Sunday or Monday they are going to get a turkey and take it for a walk on a leash in downtown Jerusalem (teenagers!). He asked if when they are done with their fun, if I would shecht it for them.

I said no problem and that he should call me Sunday or Monday and let me know when they are ready.

he called yesterday evening to say they had finished the "Turkey run" and could I shecht it that night. I was kind of busy and not really in the mood, so I said bring it by Monday evening. He was kind of nervous about having to take care of it for the day, but he said ok.

A little while later I called him back and told him to bring it over at 10:30pm when I get home from my shiur and I would shecht it then. I was nervous that they would not take care of it and it would be wasted.

I get home at 10:30 and the gang of 5 or 6 guys is there waiting with "Billiam", the now famous 21kg turkey.

So they finish taking their last pictures with their buddy while I make some final preparations.

I shechted Billiam, I cleaned him out and they took him home to kasher and cook (I gave them instructions for kashering - they did not want to leave it with me overnight despite my offering).

So Billiam was first arrested, and then I carried out the death penalty (no picture yet - if they send me any I will post it)...


  1. Schected, eh? That's one of the more polite ways my husband described the Cubs last night.

  2. This kinda makes sense of something I saw last night.

    I was awlking out of Aleph at about 10, and I saw these 4 or 5 guys pushign a shopping cart with a turkey. And they strangest part was (as judged by my quick glance) they didn't seem to act as if it was a tad bit odd.

    But then again, since being here I've noticed quite a few people doing things that ordinarliy i.e. outside of E"Y would be considered a bit odd.

    Like the guy who walks his children to school everyday - in his teffilin.

  3. Eliezer - yes, that was them. And the guy with the tefillin is a "rambamist" named Michael. he used to be on the Sanhedrin.. nice guy

  4. B"H

    You had better not let it get out that you shecht for free! ;-} Jst for friends, right?

    A neighbor just got a pregnant buffalo. Maybe he'll let us eat the calf. There are afew shochtim here already {including "Ramamistim"}, so no need to schlep out here. Also, if you go to Kever Yosef this Wed. night then stop by if you want, if it's before 2am, OK?

    Don't mention that you're visiting me. What they won't know won't hurt them. There are two BY families here anyway. I'll email you my number.

    Michael was the one who introduced me to Rav Bar Hayim, so anyone who is critical of my POV's holding by him can blame Michael. ;-}

  5. The way you wrote matter-of-factly "I shechted Billiam" reminds me of ויתלו את המן in some odd way.

  6. ben-yehuda - I was not aware of a trip scheduled for this Wednesday night. Who is running it - vaad shochnei shomron? settlers? who do i contact (though by now it is probably full)?

    You have a neighbor wil a buffalo roaming his backyard? what does he feed it? Brings new meaning to the song "Give me a home, where the buffalo roam...."

    Yaak - pretty funny association.

  7. people who do everything according to the rambam.

  8. B"H

    I don't know about the trip. I just figured when there are, they're on Rosh Hodesh, no?

    I don't know what he feeds he buffalo. He's not exactly next door.

    Da"Sh to Michael.


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