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Jun 3, 2010

Israeli PM Netanyahu : 'We Will Never Apologize for Defending Ourselves (video)


  1. Israel is guilty until proven guilty. Great line! Such a great speaker, he is. If only he would act as he speaks. Right to defend ourselves? With paintball bullets? Give me a break.

    If an "activist" flotilla were approaching U.S. Territory, with intent to dispatch aid and possibly weapons to their enemies, they would warn them twice, fire a few shells across the ships' bows, and if they still kept coming, they'd be torpedoed.

    Why doesn't Israel have the kadurim to do what it must, instead of this watered-down joke called defense? If we're going to be condemned anyway, might as well do it right.

  2. What a legend, love the guy. Cheers for the link btw!

  3. "This was not a love boat, this was a hate boat"

    even better line.

  4. israel is barbarian!!! like a country without a nation for a nation without a country!!!they have no conscience!!

  5. It is the Arab people who have no conscience, letting the Palestinians rot in their refugee camps for over 60 years and not taking care of their brethren.

    If the Arabs had any conscience, this conflict would have been resolved many years ago. Instead they want to use the Palestinian people as their pawns, so they let them live in squalor and poverty and horrible conditions. Despite that, they are still far better off than any other Arabs in the Middle East. And that is because Israel treats them with some basic decency.

  6. I think everyone should stop for a minute and use this as an opportunity to publicize recent finding that show the Palestinians as (most likely) descendants of Jews who stayed in the land of Israel and were forcibly converted to Islam. Their DNA most closely matches up with ASHKENAZI Jews (Not Sefardi even!!).

    I think that as soon as we advertise this fact, the world will absorb the idea that some if not all of them are in fact Jewish or descendants of Jews, and then the world will stop caring.

    Why??? cause nobody cares about the Jews! and if their 'Arab Brethren' really cared about them, then they would not be maintaining a permanent refugee status.

    thoughts for the day....

  7. Bibi is always on target with his message. The problem is he speaks sooooo s-l-o-w-l-y, it is simply painful to hear.

    And, um, what are "advanced knives"?

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