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Nov 9, 2008

Ana B'Koach at the Rabinfest of 5769

I don't know how a guy with a kipa got invited to perform at the annual Rabinfest, but Ovadia Hamama is a great musician and his song Ana B'Koach is a tremendous song.

(HatTip: LOR)


  1. B"H

    I believe the term is "token."

  2. Why would they need a "token religious Jew"...to perform on stage. They would also be happy without one. Nachon?
    I am not sure but maybe it's a nice gesture from the so called "token" ones to show that they also cared for Rabin?
    What do you say?

  3. You'll have to ask them.

    BTW, what self-respecting Torah observant Jew would care about Rabin ysh"w?

  4. BY,

    Since no self-respecting TOJ would care about Rabin, why do you think this guy performed for this concert?
    What could be his reasons?

  5. Maybe it's not that he's in favor of Rabin, but that he's against murder.

  6. BY

    I know no one if the people featured in this video. How in the world am I going to ask them these qs?

  7. i think auf simchas did a version of this. a much much better version.

    it's a beautiful song.

  8. Ok...

    A few points to enlighten everyone here. Ovadia Hamama actually wrote the music to this version of Ana b'koach. So, Auf simchas, whoever they are, might have ripped it off from him, but the original is his.

    Ovadia Hamama, who owns a large pitzuchim concern, is not a frum Jew, as far as far as the typical categorization goes. He's a believing Jew, but doesn't walk around with a kippah and doesn't go to shul. He's a traditional sephardi. You can read more here: http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3447993,00.html

    He's not a token anything and if he felt close to the ideals of Rabin, it makes perfect sense that he was there. The song was a hit on secular radio.


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