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Dec 2, 2021

something actually finally did lead to mixed dancing, sort of

At a Mordechai Shapiro concert in Jerusalem the other night the frum world's greatest fears became a reality... something actually led to mixed dancing..:-)

I'm actually pretty sure this outrage is manufactured. There is an attempt right now by askanim in the haredi community to put an end to open concerts and they are trying to put together a committee to run the events through them. They can jump on this type of thing to show how unkosher it is when not supervised and regulated.

Interestingly you can see an example of the "mixed dancing" in the accompanying video to the INN article on this. There is no actual mixed dancing but men are dancing with men and women with women, but they are doing so in the same room and even in the same seating sections, without a mechitza. There isnt even some big dance circle, but generally people are dancing by their seats at most with the people immediate surrounding them. Shapiro really gets the energy going and gets people out of their seats.

What is surprising to me in that video is the mixed seating. I saw ads for this concert with the information that their would be a separate seating section and a family seating section. From this snippet of video it looks like young men and young women, maybe seminary girls and yeshiva boys, chose to sit in the family seating area rather than in the separate seating area.

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