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Sep 1, 2009

Pidyon Shvuyim - could be you or me

You knew it was coming... it was just a matter of when..

They are finally putting out the glossy brochures to raise money for the family of the "starving mother" (alleged). No doubt her defense is costing, and will continue to cost, a heck of a lot of money.

If you look at the bottom of the cover page, you will see that the scare tactic they are using is that tomorrow this could happen to you. they say "Yesterday was Valles, today Chaimke, and tomorrow could be you!" Even though Valles was brought to trial and found guilty of child abuse that led to manslaughter, they still are claiming that Valles was set up and libeled.

Furthermore, right after the riots, Pappenheim, the Eidah "spokesman", was asked why they are protesting and rioting for her. He said that it could happen to anybody, and today it is her, but tomorrow it could be me or you they come down on and try to take our kids. So he was asked if they would also protest on behalf of Benizri who is being sent to jail. Pappenheim said they would not because Benizri got himself in trouble because he served in the Knesset of heretics which is against their beliefs.

So the Eida will use you in their scare tactics to make it look like they would do the same for anybody, in order to get money from you, but in truth they are only protecting their own.


  1. "You knew it was coming"
    LOL. I admit to not thinking about it much.

  2. I haven't seen this one, however, they sent out something along the lines of a magazine late last week, I think it was called "Atifat Dam".

    My wife threw it away as the pictures were just too much to leave lying around for my kids to see it.

    Also, I was particularly surprised as it appears the regular media would only refer to him as C. and blots out his picture. In the one I got it mentioned his name, the family name, even a report from the hospital. Oh, and it shows his picture, but blots out the faces of his sisters.

  3. this is a new fundraising flier. the previous one was just part of the PR campaign.

  4. I'm curious whether or not the "starving mother" gave to Kupat Ha'ir.

  5. Every time you buy a product with the "Eida Hachareidit" Hechshar you are helping to finance this continued sickness.

    Stop buying Eida Hachareidit supervised products!

  6. I hear what you are saying Menachem- I stopped buying eida chickens as I don't trust their shectiah but the only problem is that I go out of my way to only shop at shefa shuk- and most of their products are under the eidah

  7. I know. It's difficult. I have more choices in Sheinfeld, but still with some products there is no choice.

    As much as I prefer to go the mehadrin route it may get to the point where the lesser of two "evils" will have me buy more Rabbanut products.

    But talk it up. The more people think and act like we do, the more choices we'll have.

  8. I go out of my way to only shop at shefa shuk- and most of their products are under the eidah

    Sorry I think I'm missing something on this one - why only at Shefa Shuk? To go against the cherem (some DT Rabbanim also promote it)? To use the local Kupah bonus card?

    Just curious but would appreciate the answer...

  9. Valas is innocent. He was convicted on a confession after days in jail w/o lawyer and constant threats. The original medical reports were very different than the testimoy at the trial.

  10. The value of a court conviction is only worth as much confidence you have in the court system.

    I do not know if Valles is guilty or innocent. There are 2 sides to the story and from what I remeber the Valles side had some validity to it. (OJ was declared innocent, but many people still think he was guilty. the Rosenberg's were hung and many people think they were innocent.)

    WHat about the current maa'seh?

    It would seem that the truth here should be pretty easy to determine. THe families side is that the kid underwent experimental tests and chemo and other procedures for an extended period of time.

    Either they did or they didn't.

    This should be verifiable.

    Does Haddasah admit they were doing these procedures? I do not know. If they deny it and it is subsequently proven that these procedures were done it would give credence to the families story.

    Is Hadassah admitting the history, just that they say that for a year + they trying to figger out what was going on and finally came to the conclusion that there is malnurishment going on, then we have to sides to the story. We can look at what was done and examine to see if it fits Haddasha's version or the family's.

    If it can be shown that no procedures were ever done than clearly the mother has problems.

    As it stands, Haddasa's story has changed, and is suspect. First, if as they claim there was Muncho by Proxy, why call police. THis is a job for a shrink. ALso, now we see there is no Muncho Proxy.

    And the doctor first says for sure no and now he is not sure. It is kinda fishy.

    Also when the story first broke out I was under the impression that the kid came to the hospital one day and was noticed to be malnourished. It now seems this is not the case. He was under hospital care for a long time.

    WHere was the hospital the whole time?

    It should be kept in mind that Hadassah is a very powerful organization and would not stop at anything to protect themselves.

  11. garfield, valles was (I think) the 23 yr old dad who beat his 3 month old to death, which included biting his face and making him bleed from his eyes. Chaimke was the mom who nearly starved her child to death.

    There are 2 sides to the story" is exactly what every terrorist and holecaust denier says. of course im sure you don't like hearing that when you know your side is the "true" side of the story.


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