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Sep 3, 2009

Mazel tov, and you are outta here...

This is exciting. A frum girls seminary that is devoted to the girls actually learning for learning's sake, and not just to be a place to be until they get married...

A seminary (in Bet Shemesh, but I never heard of it and don't know who it is affiliated with) has thrown out an 18 year old girl from the school because she got engaged.

The strangest part of it is the principal came to the engagement party and told her then and there not to come back to school!

Whether the policy of throwing a girl out is right or wrong, did it have to be done at her engagement party? Couldn't she call her in for a dressing down the next day, or talk to her ont he phone? And when the bride asked if she could come to school to celebrate with her friends (as I guess the custom is in these seminaries), the principal told her, you have already celebrated enough....

Nice. Classy.


  1. It wasn't just a policy decision. According to the article, the girl broke a rule, to the extent that the principal kicked the other girls out of the party, since she wouldn't allow them to be at an "illegal" event.

    So it's not just that the admission policy is that you can stay until you graduate or get engaged, whichever comes first. Getting engaged is actually against the rules of the school, and it's taken extremely seriously.

  2. Poor girl. They humiliated her for no reason.

  3. The link to the article doesn't work anymore. But what about the issur of embarrassing someone publicly?


  4. Lakewood yeshiva prohibits dating for a bachur's first zman in the institution. A school is entitled to its rules. If the school made its rules clear (as opposed to clause 54 on page 3...) they have every reason to enforce it.

    Whether the scene at the party was the best way to handle it is a question. But if the student lacked the decency to inform the school in advance, maybe the school should make a public statement.

    "poor girl" ? nah. the world needs more people who abide by the rules they claim they will keep.

    how many people in this country break rules and laws because they think they can be an exception? way too many.


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